For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
The scripture Mark 10:45 reminds us to be servants. Jesus is telling us to not focus on ourselves but to look to help others. As we become unselfish, Jesus will work through us to aid others. We ask that volunteers come with a humble and servant heart and be ready to give a helping hand.

Food Bank Leaders
Estella Ruiz
Estella is the Foodbank Director and has a heart to serve her community. She oversees the day-to-day operation of the foodbank. If anyone has any questions or commits, please direct them to her.
Marlon blue
Marlon is the Logistics leader and loves to travel to pickup food for our foodbank. His heart is big and loves to serve in this compacity. He travels to several locations in the San Diego County area.
Serve in our food bank
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
We distribute free food every Friday from 11:30am to 1:00pm on our church grounds. This ministry has been a huge blessing to hundreds of low income military and civilian families.
Food Bank FAQ
How do I Volunteer ?
Click on sign up to serve, just above the FAQ to join our food bank team!
Where is the food bank?
Location is our church grounds - 7997 Paradise Valley Rd., San Diego, CA. 92139
How do I donate?
You can donate in several ways. You can bring food items to the distribution day or contact Sister Estella. If you wish to financially donate, you can do so on our website under the “donate” page.
i didn't get a chance to attend a distribution - when is the next one??
Distribution occurs every Friday from 11:30am - 1:00pm. Some emergency distributions will occur. For more info check out the events page.